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 Issues/bugs I've noticed

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Join date : 2009-06-28

Issues/bugs I've noticed Empty
PostSubject: Issues/bugs I've noticed   Issues/bugs I've noticed EmptyTue Jun 30, 2009 3:57 pm


Seem a little weird. Started a char with 50/15/15 and after a few days of macroing to:

Evaluating Intel... 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0
Tactics 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0
Swordsmanship 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0
Wrestling 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0
Magery 90.1 89.1 0.0 100.0
Magic Resistance 81.7 81.7 0.0 100.0
Meditation 79.2 79.2 0.0 100.0

My stats are 80/30/62. I casted 1000 ebolts over night and gained a a good deal in magery/resist/med but only 2 points in intel. Not sure if this is how you guys want stats to work and if so that's fine. It just feels off from how I remember Metro being (although metro had a few variations so that may not be a legit argument).

I tried see-sawing a bit but it didn't seem to be effective either.. Maybe it's just bad luck but it could be looked into. Thanks.


You can bank while crim. Apparently this is intentional. Just wondering what the reasoning behind this is?
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Issues/bugs I've noticed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issues/bugs I've noticed   Issues/bugs I've noticed EmptyTue Jun 30, 2009 4:26 pm

The stat gains will be looked at by moose, however the bank while criminal by our choice, and also it was that way on metropolis. This gives the thieves, scoundrels, and whatnots the chance to bank after stealing. It was how metropolis was, and we thought it was better that way.
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Issues/bugs I've noticed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issues/bugs I've noticed   Issues/bugs I've noticed EmptyTue Jun 30, 2009 4:38 pm

Dang Mazer. I made about 75k over the course of a few hours, but you must be farming something pretty good to be macroed all the way up.
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PostSubject: Re: Issues/bugs I've noticed   Issues/bugs I've noticed EmptyTue Jun 30, 2009 4:41 pm

Mazer has been on at least 3/4ths of the servers uptime. He's been farming a lot. Working his butt off.
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Issues/bugs I've noticed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issues/bugs I've noticed   Issues/bugs I've noticed EmptyTue Jun 30, 2009 4:56 pm

I did spend a while running escorts and shearing sheep. I also did air elementals in shame for a while so I could get important spells. The rest of the time was spent macroing.

Once I got a blade spirit scroll, I thought I'd be getting easy money but the mobs all basically insta-dispel here. Is this working as intended?
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Issues/bugs I've noticed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issues/bugs I've noticed   Issues/bugs I've noticed EmptyTue Jun 30, 2009 5:04 pm

i noticed the insta-dispel, too. And I havent started getting my magery really up yet.. so it's a pain in the butt to get a BS out only to be dispelled right away.

PS: I am now extremely bored... what caused the crash? Can't check the logs? (You know.. I think transparent body types can crash servers) lol!
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PostSubject: Re: Issues/bugs I've noticed   Issues/bugs I've noticed EmptyTue Jun 30, 2009 5:20 pm

Shamino, I don't have direct access to the scripts. Only Moose and Tar deal with the logs. And both of them are gone for the afternoon, but will be back at night. I have notified them both about it. We will inform you of everything when we figure it out. The bladespirit thing will be dealt with. I believe we had done that at a previous time but the scripts were removed, and we simply forgot to change it. Thank you for telling us about this. I am sorry for the downtime.
Admin Chanse
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Issues/bugs I've noticed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issues/bugs I've noticed   Issues/bugs I've noticed EmptyWed Jul 01, 2009 2:39 am

A small one I found:

Spell interruption messages don't come up every time you get interrupted (by a mob at least). EDIT: Can't figure out why it happens one way or the other.


Meditation gains are really slow (compared to magery/resist even). I think you only gain on active skill attempts. Again, not sure if this is working as intended or otherwise.
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PostSubject: Re: Issues/bugs I've noticed   Issues/bugs I've noticed EmptyWed Jul 01, 2009 1:03 pm

Ok so from what Ive read,

-Stat gains seem to be really slow
-Meditation seems to be slow gains compared to Magery/Eval
-Mobs are auto-dispelling ( will need to know which mobs for reference)
-Mobs also disrupt, but do not send the message

These are the issues right?


P.S. im positive my awesomely coolness invisbody is not causing the server to crash lmao. afro
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Choppa X

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Issues/bugs I've noticed Empty
PostSubject: Taming   Issues/bugs I've noticed EmptyWed Jul 01, 2009 3:52 pm

Shouldn't you be able to tame something a bit further away? Currently you have to be within 2 tiles, which seems too close. I recalled being able to follow while taming without problems at 3 tiles away. 3 tiles makes it so you can auto follow and not run into "that is too far away" while taming.
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Issues/bugs I've noticed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issues/bugs I've noticed   Issues/bugs I've noticed EmptyWed Jul 01, 2009 4:11 pm

I've only been able to cast blade spirits so far but any magic mob has auto-dispelled (liches, all elementals, gazers).

The disrupt message seems to be random, I can't see a pattern.

New one: Stamina loss on magery damage. If you get hit with a couple big spells, you pretty much end up not being able to run sometimes. Really annoying.
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PostSubject: Re: Issues/bugs I've noticed   Issues/bugs I've noticed EmptyWed Jul 01, 2009 8:38 pm

Lockdown issue (mentioned to Chanse)

I locked down a bag of regs in my house. The bag was 'locked down' but the items inside decayed. The only way to keep them from decaying is actually locking down the items within the bag.

Additionally, if you release the bag with items that are still locked down inside, they remain 'stuck' unless you release them within the house again. Even if they're in your backpack at this point.
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