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Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-06-16

PostSubject: UOR>PREUOR   UOR>PREUOR EmptyWed Jun 17, 2009 6:07 pm

Honestly, you should make the shard UO:R , no insta hit/heal over poison shit. There is already a highly populated server UOSECONDAGE that everyone plays with that, that has no donations. So defiantly should go UOR tbh imo. Just my opinion.
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Posts : 74
Join date : 2009-06-07

PostSubject: Re: UOR>PREUOR   UOR>PREUOR EmptyWed Jun 17, 2009 9:14 pm

Although we base this server on the Pre-UO:R era of Ultima Online, we are in no way replicating the Pre-Ren days of UO like other servers already have done. We have many features that were not around during that era such as stealable bank checks, runebooks, fast paced balanced PvP, a chat system, and even some era fitting custom mobs to keep PvM interesting.

This server however will never have neon hues, uber weapons, or other things which take away from the old school look and feel. With development nearing a close, I'm sure you will find the style of this server very interesting and enjoyable for yourself.

Any suggestions or comments are always welcome, and we ask that you post those in the "Suggestions" area of these boards. This can be found at
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