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 Keg Vendor (Spellbooks as well)

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Posts : 15
Join date : 2009-06-28

Keg Vendor (Spellbooks as well) Empty
PostSubject: Keg Vendor (Spellbooks as well)   Keg Vendor (Spellbooks as well) EmptyTue Jul 14, 2009 7:39 am

First sandstone out of West Britain. Currently stocked with:

Greater Heal (6000 gold)
Greater Cure (6000 gold)
Total Refresh (5000 gold)
Greater Strength (5000 gold)

Spellbooks (7500 gold, limited quantity)

Keg Vendor (Spellbooks as well) Vendor

Will add Explosion/Agility kegs if there is a demand for it. Can also take special orders if necessary.
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Keg Vendor (Spellbooks as well)
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