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 Server Wars Lock

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Posts : 74
Join date : 2009-06-07

Server Wars Lock Empty
PostSubject: Server Wars Lock   Server Wars Lock EmptyWed Jul 08, 2009 12:00 am

During server wars this evening, the server crashed or encountered another error, most likely due to certain items added during server wars for testing. Our remote access to the server in San Fransisco appears to be out right now as well. I sent a message to our operations manager, Tykiim. Once he receives the message I am sure we will get the server back online.

Please note this. The server saved successfully before server wars, so there should be no data loss encountered from this hold up. Once I am able to get back onto the remote server, I should be able to reload the last save before server wars and get everything back online as planned. For our next server wars, we will plan ahead and have things setup prior for PvP testing etc...

Once again, my apologies and I will be sure to keep you all posted throughout the night as more information is available.

UPDATE: The server is now online and the issue has been resolved. Sorry for the downtime and thank you for your cooperation.
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