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 Server Upgrade

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Posts : 74
Join date : 2009-06-07

Server Upgrade Empty
PostSubject: Server Upgrade   Server Upgrade EmptyMon Jul 06, 2009 1:47 pm

It is our pleasure to announce that Metropolis Reborn will be receiving a scheduled hardware upgrade this evening after server wars, around 10:15 PM central US time. We are going to be upgrading to a more powerful box on a much more dedicated connection. The server IP will remain the same as well as the connection port.

To fund this upgrade, we will also be adding donation rewards soon. Thank you for your continued support of Metropolis Reborn, and patch 3 is just around the corner with many more updates.

Downtime Expected: Up to 1 hour

Here are some updates we squeezed in while we updated the servers hardware...

- Locked down containers in houses can now be accessed by anyone

- Meditation skill gains have been increased along with mana regeneration rates

- The 'help stuck' feature now works while you are in a dungeon

- Various rare drops including special fishing nets have had their drop rates reduced

- The timer for using the skill anatomy has been increased from a one second cool down to four seconds

- Moonglow Zoo is no longer guarded (tamers/bards be aware)

- Containers locked down in a house now have an item limit of 80 items/container. However, in bags you can hold up to 80 items and there is NO weight limit. All other containers still have a weight limit

- Glacial Staffs are no longer spawning on ice serpents

- The issues with invisible dragons should be fixed. If you do notice an issue, please page and note the exact location you notice it at

- Strong boxes have been removed

- Mage AI now has a 10% chance to cast greater heal (was 25% chance)

-Admin Moose
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