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 Staff Application Guidelines

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Posts : 74
Join date : 2009-06-07

Staff Application Guidelines Empty
PostSubject: Staff Application Guidelines   Staff Application Guidelines EmptySun Jun 07, 2009 5:00 pm

Currently, we have opened up staff applications. All staff applications must be posted in this forum. Please follow the format as listed below.

Note: All applications not in the following format will be disregarded.



-Position applying for: (Counselor, Game Master, Seer, Administrator, Developer)

-Years of Ultima Online experience:

-Programming languages known:

-Previous servers you work[ed] on:

-What you would like to see changed here:

-Provide us with a brief description of yourself. Let us get to know you, and why you would benefit Metropolis Reborn:

We will contact you with a private message if we feel you would be a good addition to our team. Please do not send us private messages about the status of your application. Thank you for your time, and we look forward to working with some of you.
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